Penicuik Dance Clubs Showcase 15/12/14
All the Active schools dance clubs throughout the Penicuik area came together on Monday 15th December 2014 to put on a spectacular performance for their friends and families. Pupils from Roslin, Sacred Heart, Mauricewood, Cuiken, Cornbank and Strathesk primary schools have been working extremely hard all term in their weekly active schools dance clubs to perfect their new dance routines. They were all very excited to show them off to their parents and friends at Beeslack High School at the very first ‘Dance Showcase’ by Active Schools.
The night was a huge success, with over 45 pupils participating and over 130 members in the audience, the evening of dance was enjoyed by all. Coaches included Danielle Frame from ‘Fancy Footwork Dance Company’, Cheryl Smith from ‘Kic Dance’ and Judith Clyne ‘Haughey McAuley Irish Dance,’ who all offer dance classes in the local community, open to all ages and abilities. All pupils were awarded with a certificate for all their hard work this term. We hope to welcome them back this term and to see some of the girls and boys joining local dance classes in the area.
A special thank you to Beeslack High School for hosting the event and to Danielle Frame, Cheryl Smith, Jenna McCandlish, Graham McDonald and the Beeslack Young Ambassadors for all their help on the evening.